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Enjoy Group Video Chat & Group Message On JusTalk
posted on 13 Mar 2018
At the beginning of 2018, we were thrilled to launch the most requested JusTalk features ever - the ability to video chat and message in groups. Group chat in JusTalk makes it simple and seamless to stay connected face-to-face, or with text, photos, videos and emojis.
Here's How It Works
Group chat is super easy to use. To get started, you will need the latest version of JusTalk.
Go to Friends tab, tap Groups and then the group icon on the upper right of the screen.
Edit your group name, and select group members.
Type a message or select different media types you like to send group messages.
Tap on the group video icon on the upper right corner and select members. Each person you invited can join when they are ready with just one tap. And group members can decide whether to turn on the camera or not.
It's time to tell our friends and family how much we care about them and send best wishes. We're delighted to bring you the ability to group chat with those who matter to you most, wherever they are. We look forward to hearing what you think!